“When I tried [the Chemo Mouthpiece®] the first time, I didn’t even get one mouth sore. For anyone going through chemo I would definitely recommend Chemo Mouthpiece®. It helped me so much, it changed my life, it changed my perspective on chemo.”
“I have been using the Chemo Mouthpiece® for over 3 months (3 more months to go) and have had ZERO instances of mouth sores. I am taking 5FU and get infusions every two weeks.”
“CMP was a game changer on my last round of chemo. My mouth isn’t numb, my tastebuds are intact and my throat doesn’t feel like razor blades. I’ve recommended you guys already in multiple cancer groups.”
“We followed all medical advice and used all mouthwashes as prescribed for round one. It did not work. The results were devastating and ended up with hospitalization. After some research, we stumbled upon the Chemo Mouthpiece®. The results following the use of the mouthpiece in round two of treatments were overwhelmingly positive. No mouth sores. Full appetite. Able to drink. Very happy with our results and so is our doctor.”
“I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer in June 2024. I started weekly chemo infusions in July 2024. I was told that two of my chemo medicines would cause mouth sores (doxorubicin and temsirolinus). I was advised to "chew on ice cubes" to avoid mouth sores from developing. After the second week, I started developing mouth sores and by week five, I had sores all over my mouth, my lips and my tongue. They were so bad that I could only eat through a straw, and I found it very hard to speak. The pain was excruciating. I researched chemo mouth sores on the internet and found ChemoMouthpiece.com. I used the Chemo Mouthpiece® the following chemo session, as instructed, 15 minutes before and 30 minutes after each infusion. The results have been nothing short of miraculous! Since using the chemo mouthpiece on a weekly basis, I have had ZERO mouth sores! The scars from all the past sores have disappeared and I have not had to use any of the many prescriptions given to me for mouth pain. I am extremely grateful to all the staff at Chemo Mouthpiece. I have told many others in my same situation about this product and how well it has worked for me and will continue to be an advocate as I believe this is the only solution on the market for chemo induced mouth sores.” (NOTE: this is edited from a longer response from this patient).